renewable HousesSouth Africa Affordable housing, skills and resources for South Africa RHSA BLOG ARCHITECTURE FAQ & TOOLS Introducing our new product: Japanese deer scarer Yesterday, we spent a few hours developing a 1:1 p 1:30 concept for a temporary exhibition installati Loading Day export to UK from South Africa. From Shishi odoshi made from offcuts. #bamboo#southafri Drying splits after fire treatment. #bamboo #split It is winter in South Africa and is harvest season #bamboo cutting station Request to remove bambusa multiplex. #Rhizome #roo Initial water fill of our newly built 6m #bamboo # #Bamboo #seat for #bukkie It's been almost a month of dealing with sand, sto Managing running groves and re-establishing indige Bamboo splits and "scrap" wood tray prototypes. Prototyping a bamboo glasses frame. Still some way BAMBOO POLES & PLANTS CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS N Follow on Instagram